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Where There Is No Vision The People Perish

Solomon said in Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. Over four messages Elyse explores this proverb,…

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Roadside Encounters with Jesus

Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus encounter many different people, in many different circumstances, with a variety of responses. Some…

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James: The Relationship Between Faith and Works

In April 2022 Elyse lead an depth verse by verse study in the book of James. Come explore in this…

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The Healing Ministry of the Messiah

Join Elyse as explores the healing ministry of Jesus in the gospel of Luke. This series is designed to specifically…

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An Exegesis of I Timothy

In June 2021 we conducted a comprehensive study through Paul’s first letter to Timothy.

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The Barnabas Project

Just like the name Barnabas means encouragement, so too this 3 part message series entitled the “The Barnabas Project” is…

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Salvation According To Paul

Through out the Pauline epistles, the Apostle Paul provides the Church with the most comprehensive doctrine of Salvation. Follow along…

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Judges: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The book of Judges marks one of the worst period of time in Israel’s history. A time marred with idolatry,…

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Paul’s Love for The Galatian Churches

In June 2020 we conducted a comprehensive study through Paul’s letter to the Galatian churches.

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Add To Your Faith…

This is a series on Christian sanctification. In Peter’s final epistle before his death, he invites his readers to add…

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