Consider It All Joy24th April, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeBrief Introduction (verse 1) Sermon Notes: Introduction to James Consider It All Joy (verse 2-8) Sermon Notes: James 1.1-8 Sermon TagsPatienceRefinedTrialsReliance in JesusGod's PlanGod's PerspectiveJamesJames' EpsitleGod's PurposeJoyPerspectiveEnduranceFaithPerfect ResultSanctificationMatureWisdomSpiritual Maturity
Victorious In Temptation1st May, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeSermon Notes: James 1.9-18 TagsPrizeSatanRewardsGrieving The SpiritJames' EpsitleQuenching The SpiritEnticementThe Works of SatanEnslavementSinJamesEntrapmentHoly SpiritTemptationRemaBema SeatVictoriousPower Over SinObedienceVictorious in TemptationThe WordCrownsDeathCrown of LifeTrials
Doers – Not Merely Hearers8th May, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeSermon Notes: James 1.19-27 TagsKnowledgeDevote DemonstratorsMeditationUnderstandingThe WordFaith and WorksGreatest CommandmentHearersThe BibleMeeknessJamesJames' EpsitleDoersSinRecieveHumilityDoers of the WordTruthRecieve the Word
Show No Partiality17th May, 2022Sermon Notes: James 2.1-13 Due to technical difficulties we were unable to record our message on James 2:1-13.
The Relationship Between Faith and Works22nd May, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeSermon Notes: James 2.14-26 TagsSalvationJesusFruitlessFruitfulnessDeclared RighteousJamesFaithJames' EpsitleSanctificationFaith and WorksSaviourResultsJustificationEvidenceFruit of the SpiritShown to be Righteous
Taming The Tongue1st June, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeSermon Notes: James 3.1.12 TagsForgivenessHolding the TongueEncouragementTeachersJamesJames' EpsitleThe TongueTaming the TongueThe Power of the TongueDangers of the TongueInconsistencies of the TongueGentle SpirtPray
Knowing God’s Ways and Walking In Them5th June, 2022Speaker: Joshua McKeeSermon Notes: James 3.13-18 TagsGodly WisdomEarthly WisdomKnowing God's WaysWisdomWalking In God's WaysKnowledgeCharacteristics of Godly WisdomThe WordJamesJames' EpsitleUnderstandingResultsAsking for Wisdom
The Cause and Cure for Conflict19th June, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeSermon Notes: James 4.1-10 TagsWorldinessJamesJames' EpsitleConflictCure for ConflictPrayerPleasureWorshipSelishnessSinHumiltyGraceSubmissionGrieving The Spirit
The Dangerous Game of Playing God2nd July, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeSermon Notes: James 4.11-17 TagsHumiltyPlaying GodSelf ExhaltationJudging OthersSlanderGod's WillJamesJames' Epsitle
Enduring Injustice4th July, 2022Speaker: Elyse McKeeSermon Notes: James 5.1-12 TagsInjusticeEnduringWealthRichPoorLove of MoneyRaptureLong SufferingPatienceBe PatientJamesEnduranceJames' Epsitle
Reasons To Pray23rd July, 2022Sermon Notes: James 5.13-20 There is no audio for this message. Sermon TagsJames' EpsitlePrayerHealingJames