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32And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”

Luke 24:32

A burning heart is exactly the response every believer in Christ Jesus ought to experience when he or she opens up the Word of God. It is not when we speak that this burning desire catches alight but rather when He speaks, and in turn we listen, that we can expect such a response within us.

Burning Hearts Ministry is a Christian resource page that has been created to facilitate born again believers that are hungry for more of God’s Word and to grow deeper in their understanding of the Bible.

Content creators Dr Neil Davies, Elyse McKee and Joshua McKee previously served together in ministry at the Haddon Church of Christ, where they established the majority of the study content on this page. Within this page you will find a variety of study materials ranging from: sermon series, in depth exegesis, studies in eschatology (end times), devotional material, and many other useful resource links.

We pray this resource causes you to draw nearer to the Father who loves you, who desires a deep abiding intimacy with you, through the finished work of the Son, Jesus Christ.

What we believe

There are 17 elements that make up the core beliefs of our doctrinal statement. All our teaching will reflect these core beliefs.

We believe that the bible is the Word of the Living God

We believe that the words of the 66 books of the old and new testaments were inspired by God and in the original writing contain no error. These 66 books are our final authority in determining what we believe and how we should live.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in one God

We believe that there is one true God and that He exists in three persons; Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit. We believe these three are equal but distinct in personality and role.

Scriptural Basis

We believe God created the universe

We believe that God created the universe as described in the book of Genesis.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in Jesus Christ, God the Son

We believe that Jesus Christ was a genuine historical figure, that He was the Son of God, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary and that He is both God and man.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ

We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, His ascension into Heaven and His present ministry there as our High Priest, mediator and advocate.

Scriptural Basis

We believe that the Holy Spirit is active in the world today, working in people’s lives

We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts people of sin and draws them to Christ; that He provides those who believe in Christ with a new and pure life, baptising them into the family of God and sealing them at the point of their salvation, confirming it with His ongoing presence. It is He who empowers and fills believers that they might walk worthy of Christ. He grants to believers illumination so they may understand the Word of God and confers gifts of service (excluding the sign gifts which we believe were restricted to the Apostolic period) so they may minister to the body of Christ.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in the person of Satan

We believe that Satan is the embodiment of evil and that he is the “unholy god of this world.” We believe he commands the powers of evil and wages war constantly against the Kingdom of God and His Saints. We believe he will be judged by God and banished into the lake of fire for eternity.

Scriptural Basis

We believe that all people are sinners and will be judged by God

We believe that mankind was created in the image of God and this image was marred when Adam first sinned resulting in physical death and spiritual death (separation from God). We believe that since Adam, all mankind has been born with a sinful nature evident by what they think, say and do. We further believe that in due course of time, God will call all of mankind to account for their sin and banish those found guilty to the lake of fire with Satan.

Scriptural Basis

We believe that Jesus died to save sinners

We believe that Jesus Christ sacrificed His perfect life to save sinners. Acting as a substitute He took on their sins and accepted Gods sentence of punishment on their behalf. We believe that His sacrifice is sufficient to save all sinners, but is only effective to those who become sons of God by the new (second) birth.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in salvation by grace through faith alone

We believe that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and become children of God. We believe the new birth is a gift of God and cannot be earned in any way.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in the eternal security of believers

We believe that it is not possible for one born into the family of God to be lost because he is kept by the power of God.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in two ordinances – Baptism and Communion (The Lord’s Supper)

We believe that biblical baptism is represented by the full immersion of a believer in water to signify symbolically death to sin, burial and resurrection to newness of life in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that communion is a remembrance ceremony of what the Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished on behalf of believers and should be preceded by solemn self-examination.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in the return of Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ will return in the air and believers will be caught up (raptured) to meet Him in the air and to be with Him from that point forward forever. We believe that the following seven years, known as the tribulation period or the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy, will culminate in the second coming of Jesus Christ, with His raptured Saints, to rule on earth for 1000 years following which He will judge Satan and the unbelieving world. We believe in the literal fulfilment of the prophecies and promises contained within the scriptures.

Scriptural Basis

We believe in the bodily resurrection of all who have ever lived

We believe that every man and woman who ever lived will be resurrected, believers to an eternal existence with God in a literal Heaven, unbelievers to a literal hell.

Scriptural Basis

We believe that the church is the Body of Christ

We believe that the church is the Body of Christ on earth and is made up of all born again believers.

Scriptural Basis

We believe that God ordained and works through the local church

We believe that the local church is a “called out assembly” (ecclesia) of born again believers organized according to the New Testament pattern and is the agency on earth through which God has chosen to accomplish His work. The purpose of the local church is to provide a visible community vehicle by which believers may exercise their personal and collective obedience to God in worship, fellowship, prayer, encouragement, giving, evangelism and the observance of the two ordinances (baptism and communion). We believe the church is to be self-governing and autonomous with the leadership consisting of Elders and Deacons.

Scriptural Basis

We believe that God’s born again children should live holy lives

We believe that God’s children should live holy lives, separated from sinful practices as they walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit. We believe that living a holy life is impossible aside from the willingness of the believer to yield to the power of God exercised through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Scriptural Basis