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Roadside Encounters with Jesus

Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus encounter many different people, in many different circumstances, with a variety of responses. Some when they met Him left praising God for their Messiah had come to bring salvation, some were sad because to follow Him required a sacrifice they were unwilling to make and yet others desired to see Him dead. An encounter with Jesus is guaranteed to do one of three things; make us glad, sad, or mad. No one can ever encounter Jesus without walking away changed; for better or worse.

How can one man cause such polarising responses?

Here’s the challenge for you, why don’t you come on a journey with us to find out?

Starting Sunday the 5th of February through to Easter Sunday Elyse will be preaching a series entitled “Roadside Encounters with Jesus”. We will be looking throughout the Gospels at the various people Jesus met along the roadside; spanning from the uttermost to the guttermost.

For those daring enough to take up the challenge and follow along, I hope to show you the true Jesus as seen in the scriptures and not the one the world would have you believe He is.

Jesus never expects anything from those He encounters; doesn’t ask them to clean up their lives first, doesn’t require them to do anything to earn a relationship with Him. Jesus simply meets people where they are on the road of life, warts and all, and calls out to them “Follow Me”.

Would you let me introduce you to this Jesus?


When the Desperate Encounter Jesus- Part 2

Speaker: Elyse McKee

When the Religious Encounter Jesus

Speaker: Elyse McKee

When the Discouraged Encounter Jesus

Speaker: Elyse McKee