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Pastoral Prayer November 1, 2020

Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.  We come, not as strangers or foreigners, because we are Your children and You are our Father.  We thank You today for Your faithfulness, Your mercy and Your grace.  You’re always there when we need You.  You’ve never turned us away and You’ve never failed us.  You’ve never failed to fulfill Your promises to us and to Your world.  In our troubles and trials, when the road has seemed long, You’ve been right there with us, You’ve helped us through and we give You thanks and praise today. 

We want to tell You that we earnestly desire to do Your will and fulfill Your plans and purposes for us.  We’re available because we’ve surrendered our lives to You and You can do with us whatever You choose.  We’re all busy with the business of living in the here and now.  We have jobs, we have families, we have responsibilities, we get involved in all kinds of things, some of vital importance, some of them are only trivial.  So help us, Lord to put first things first.  Help us to keep our priorities straight.  Help us to seek first Your Kingdom and righteousness and let the other things fall into their rightful places.  Help us to make the right choices that will count for eternity.

We pray for the needs of our people today.  We’ve all come with individual and very personal needs.  Maybe nobody on earth knows about the struggles and burdens they’re facing, but You know and You invite us to bring everything to You in prayer.  So, we each reach out to You because we know that You’re already reaching out to us.  We ask You to meet our needs this morning and give us the assurance that You’re answering our prayers.  We pray Father that You would meet our physical needs, financial, emotional, relational and spiritual needs today.  We pray for healing for those who are unwell.

We pray for our community and those that are all around us.  We pray for our government officials and those in rulership over us.  We pray for divine wisdom and the ability to lead justly and wisely.  We pray for our prime minister and those in our national government.  We pray for a revival of godliness and righteousness and holiness in our country and for the forces of evil to be defeated.

We pray for Your Word as it preached around the world this very day and for those of our brothers and sisters particularly in countries that don’t enjoy the freedom that we have.  We pray on this particular day, the international day of prayer for the persecuted church, for all our brothers and sisters who suffer persecution and we pray for those who persecute them that they would come to know Jesus as their own personal Saviour.

We pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.