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Pastoral Prayer January 10, 2021

Heavenly Father we truly stand amazed by You. When we contemplate Your character, the depths of Your love, mercy, compassion, grace, intelligence how can we not stand in awe of who You are?

And yet we as sinful man are precious in Your sight. So much so that You paid the heavy price to redeem us from the slave market of sin. You took the righteous judgement we deserved and you rescued us from the penalty and power of sin. Now the same power that raised You from the dead dwells in us that we may say Abba Father as adopted children, privy to the inheritance of God.

Thanks be to the lamb who sits at the right hand of God that will one day come as the Lion of Judah to establish His Kingdom forever and forever. How we look with eagerness to the day You collect Your precious bride and as we await for that glorious day we ask that You continue Your refining work in our hearts.

Each of us have yet a long way to go in our desire to be more and more like Jesus. Father we ask that You reveal the areas in our own lives that fall short of Your glory, that we humble ourselves in obedience and confess the sins that so easily entangle us. Father You have given us the power to resist sin if we are only obedient to Your instruction to fix our eyes on the One who has defeated sin.

Father we bring to You some of the specific needs of this local church. We ask with boldness for the healing of our beloved pastor and Elder, Neil. We ask You relieve him of any pain and symptoms he may be experiencing and we ask for a speedy recovery back to full health. We also ask You give him much needed rest both physically and spiritually. Fill his cup as to overflowing and minister to him in such away as is only possible during this challenging season. Father refine him during this time and fill him with a great sense of the refuge and strength that can only be found in You.

We ask You to direct us as a local church. We know Your word declares that he who desires wisdom need only ask You for it. So we ask You to pour out wisdom on us in this season and we look forward with hopeful expectation of what You will do to sanctify Your people at Haddon Church.

We love You and we trust You Father God,