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Pastoral Prayer December 20, 2020

Father, how truly amazing it is to be able to call You our Father, to be adopted sons and daughters of the Most High. We claim these titles not by any merit of our own, for our righteousness is but filthy rags but because of the precious name of Jesus. The very name that means ‘to save’ and ‘salvation’, the name that demonstrates your redemptive plan for mankind even before the foundation of the world.

You sat lofty and exalted on Your throne yet You stepped down from Heaven, became flesh and dwelt among us. Humbling Yourself in obedience, even to the point of death. While we were yet sinners You died for us so that we may be justified in the sight of the Father by Your precious blood. You are the spotless, unblemished lamb offered up for our sin, You are the perfect High Priest mediating before the Father for us, You are our advocate at the throne room when the evil one accuses us before God. You are the prince of peace bringing reconciliation to God and man. You are our greatest delight and right now we bring an offering of thanksgiving. Thank you Jesus for all You have done. We love you Jesus.

Father we ask of You that you may refine us, like precious gold and silver. That you continue Your sanctifying work to remove the dross from our lives, so that we may be a more pure jewel in Your crown. We ask to be filled with Your Holy Spirit, we desire to be under Your full influence and not that of our own flesh.

We bring to You the needs of this local church, we ask that You heal the broken, provide for the needy, bring joy to broken hearted, replace bitterness with gentleness, anxiety with peace and resentment with forgiveness.

We also pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in parts of the world where to stand firm in faith results in hardships, even death. We ask that their needs be met and that they will rejoice always in the Lord. We pray that their persecutors may have the scales fall from their eyes, opening to the truth which leads to a saving relationship with You.

Father as we prepare for this evening’s Christmas livestream service we pray for protection from the evil one. Lord may the technology work as it should and that You give your servants peace in their preparations. We ask that the brethren may be encouraged and that the lost may be reached with Your precious life saving Word. We petition the Lord of the harvest for a great harvest and for labourers to collect the harvest.

May Your name be honoured tonight and may the message of Your great gift in Jesus Christ be clearly understood.
