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Pastoral Prayer November 22, 2020

Father hear now this prayer that we pray back to You from Psalm 103.

8Yahweh you are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. 9You will not always strive with us, nor will you keep your anger forever. 10You have not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. 11For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is your lovingkindness towards those who fear you. 12As far as the east is from the west, so far have you removed our transgressions from us. (Ps 103:8-12, personalised)

Father as we mediate upon these words this morning we are in awe of Your character. Your compassion towards us, Your grace which is undeserving, Your patience with us and Your unconditional love for us. Father we do not deserve such mercy yet You freely extend it to us. Father we are but worthless sinners, falling short time and time again from Your glory. Yet through Your precious Son Jesus, we are not dealt with according to our sin. He who knew no sin became our sin so that we maybe declared righteous. You have taken our once naked, exposed bodies and wrapped us in your garment of righteousness. With joy we declare the finality of your redemptive work as our transgressions are as far removed as the east is from the west. Father we ask You now to sanctify us, to reveal the rebellious hearts of your children and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Make dirty vessels clean and we invite you to fill us with Your Holy Spirit.

Father we thank You for the presence and ministry of your Spirit to comfort, to convict, to illuminate, to instruct, to influence and to pray. Oh Father how we struggle to humble ourselves to pray, it is the Churches greatest collective sin, yet when we fall silent we have the assurance that Your Spirit is interceding on our behalf. Father we ask of you that you stir up revival within Your Church, make us a people of prayer, devoted to You. Refine us Lord with the refiners fire and bring forth pure gold. Father we thank You that You love us far too much to leave us the same, sanctify us and use us for Your purpose.

When we consider Your ways, Your wisdom and Your perfect knowledge we know that we fall short of comprehending Your greatness. Help us to trust in You, to lean not on our own understanding but acknowledge and submit to Your perfect will.

Generous giving Father we ask You for wisdom, especially for those in positions of leadership within this church. Guide us in the important decisions that need to be made as we navigate through this challenging season. Thank You Father that You are greater then any virus, especially the virus that has plagued mankind which is sin. Lord Jesus You have conquered sin and death, You have risen, You are the living God and You wear the victors crown. Amen!