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Before it all went wrong……

Below is an account of the fall of Satan in allegorical metaphor.

God the Creator, known to all His angelic host as YHWH, sat in perfect regal majesty upon His throne in the third heaven with His son, known to all as Adonai, seated on the throne immediately to His right. They looked with admiring love upon their created host of heaven, the angels of the Most High, virtually innumerable and assembled now in quiet, reverential awe as they wait upon Lucifer, their praise and adoration leader, who stands at the foot of the very throne of God. Lucifer, by far the most stunningly beautiful of all the angels who collectively refer to him as the son of the morning and whom YHWH has declared to be full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. In the front row, very near to the foot of the throne stands Michael the Archangel, the warrior angel with his long sword shimmering in the shekinah glory emanating from the throne and He who sat upon it. Next to Michael stands Gabriel, the messenger angel and next to him Abaddon who was closest of all to Lucifer.

In his shimmering glory Lucifer begins to raise his conductor’s baton and in a moment all of heaven will burst forth into unrestrained worship of the One who sits upon the throne. Simultaneously the seraphim arrive, frighteningly glorious in their fiery appearance, flying around the throne of YHWH with both their heads and feet covered crying out to one another above the wondrous, if tremulous, sound of the angelic praise saying; “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.”

And then the unthinkable happens. Lucifer drops his baton, turns in rage and approaches the very throne upon which YHWH sits and demands He surrender it to him so that he might be the one to receive the worship and adoration of the hosts of heaven. Heaven stands still, not a single angel moves, suspended and frozen in time as the created glares defiantly, directly into the face of his Creator. Never before has such impudence and open arrogance been seen or even imagined among the angel throng. Heaven remains silent, YHWH remains silent, Michael draws his shimmering sword and looks intently at his creator for instruction, Abaddon also draws his sword, but he was staring at Michael.

Finally, Lucifer speaks, in bitter, pungent, acerbic language, full of rebellion and rage: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the angels of YHWH, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High. As Lucifer finishes his tirade the angelic host gasps in horror as YHWH speaks: You, Lucifer, will be brought down to the sides of the pit, you are hereby banished from the realms of heaven to the tiniest planet in the most inconsequential galaxy in all of my creation and your name shall no longer be Lucifer, but Satan, my enemy. Now be off with you from my presence, banished for eternity.

YHWH then looked at Michael, who with sword drawn drove Satan from the presence of God. To the astonishment of the hosts of heaven, one third of their number broke ranks at the cry of Abaddon and followed Satan into celestial oblivion. When Michael returned, Gabriel picked up the baton, raised it purposefully toward YHWH and led the angelic host in loud praise and worship to the One who sits upon the throne.