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32And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?”

Luke 24:32 (emphasis added)

A burning heart is exactly the response every believer in Christ Jesus ought to experience when he or she opens up the Word of God. It is not when we speak that this burning desire catches alight but rather when He speaks, and in turn we listen, that we can expect such a response within us.

Burning Hearts Ministry is a Christian resource page that has been created to facilitate born again believers that are hungry for more of God’s Word and to grow deeper in their understanding of the Bible.

Content creators Dr Neil Davies, Elyse McKee and Joshua McKee previously served together in ministry at the Haddon Church of Christ, where they established the majority of the study content on this page. Within this page you will find a variety of study materials ranging from: sermon series, in depth exegesis, studies in eschatology (end times), devotional material, and many other useful resource links.

We pray this resource causes you to draw nearer to the Father who loves you, who desires a deep abiding intimacy with you, through the finished work of the Son, Jesus Christ.